Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oops, I did it again

Well, I completed my second half marathon today. As with the first time, two years ago, there's an asterisk next to the victory time.

There's a place in the course that loops down one street and back up the next. Two years ago, I woke up with terrible back pain on the day of the race and made it to that point until I had to stop, cut across, and lay flat on my back on the sidewalk while I waited for my friends to make the loop and get me. It's the only way I could have finished. (I'm not being dramatic, either. My buddy told me that she was genuinely worried about me and thought they were going to need the EMTs to come save me at some point.)

Well, this year, I ended up doing the same thing. Not because my back was killing me and making me feel like I was about to die, but because at that point (around Mile 11) I was starting to lock up. My lower back, legs and feet were just not moving right. The second I stopped and stretched, I felt better. I waited for my friend to come back around, and then we finished together.

I don't feel the least bit guilty about stopping, stretching and waiting. I was listening to my body. The miles before that point (except Mile 10, that fucker) weren't bad. I was tired, yes, but not in pain. As soon as I felt the shift from fatigue to pain, I knew I needed to do something.

Anyway, the point is, I finished, albeit with an asterisk. I don't care. It's still an accomplishment at 12 miles than 13.1. I'm not going to lie about what I did, and I'm not going to buy a "13.1" sticker for my car. I am, however, going to enjoy getting the medal. (They ran out at the finish line and said they would send them to us. Lame.) At the moment, the idea of doing this again sounds like the worst thing ever. But... I'm pretty sure I said that exact same thing after the first one.

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