Sunday, April 18, 2010

25 Things

A while back, Facebook had this trend were everyone listed 25 random things about themselves and posted it for all to see. I feel like putting some things here, mostly because I've been slacking on the posts and want this to be a good one, and also because I'm in a random kind of mood. Here we go.

1. I think pretzels are disgusting and always have.
2. Fall is my favorite season. Summer comes second. South Texas doesn't really get a winter, so it doesn't count. I loathe Spring.
3. If I was stranded on a desert island, the one thing I would bring is... a boat. Eff that noise.
4. I have champagne taste, but a less-than-beer budget. It's, like, an O'Doul's budget.
5. I used to dance and I miss it a lot. Sometimes I put my shoes on just to remember what they feel like.
6. I love reading books so much.
7. Red and purple tie for favorite colors.
8. I'd rather be outdoors than indoors. (But not by myself on an island.)
9. I hate the idea of driving long distances, but once I get in the car I find it very fun.
10. People who decorate their houses to look like an IKEA catalog are boring.
11. I really hate bugs. Like, passionately.
12. The best smell in the world is that smokey, there's-a-fire-in-a-fireplace-somewhere Christmasy smell when it gets cold outside. Baby powder is a close second.
13. I take my tequila shots straight up. No salt, no lime.
14. I recently downloaded "Jagged Little Pill" to my iPod and am rocking out to it as if I was 14 years old all over again.
15. I have become numb to hearing about the engagements of friends I grew up with, but I know when I hear about a certain engagement, I will want to fling myself off a building.
16. I love to paint and draw, but I never do it anymore. I don't know why.
17. Cooking is fun, but cleaning afterward is the worst!
18. One day I'm going to have a library in my house, with a rolling ladder and everything.
19. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
20. I am claustrophobic. Not too afraid to go in elevators, but if I'm in a crowded place and someone bumps into me, I have to focus on keeping calm.
21. I'm allergic to cats.
22. I'd love to take a week off from work for no other reason than to stay home and write.
23. I took Spanish for four years in school, and still can only barely get by.
24. Football season is the best.
25. I never lie. Mostly because I'm so horrible at it, but also because, what's the point?

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