Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Turner Classic Challenge results

I'll admit it: I stumped myself a little with this one.

The challenge was to choose contemporary actors/actresses to compare to their counterparts from the Golden Era of Hollywood. Here's what I came up with:

1. Joan Crawford
Sadly, this one didn't work out. I couldn't think of anyone who was as bitchy, crazy, talented, devoted to her fans or ballsy as Joan. Maybe she's one of a kind.

2. Clark Gable
He was described as a man's man. I saw on a documentary that he did one role where he played the underdog and it basically flopped because the audience didn't want to see him as anything but the big, manly man. My contemporaries are Clive Owen and Daniel Craig. They can play emotional, but they still exude tons of masculinity while they do it.

3. Elizabeth Taylor
The husbands, the glamour, the diva, the adulteress, the overrated talent. I chose Jennifer Lopez, who I think fills all of the above descriptions.

4. Humphrey Bogart
Everyone took him seriously, he always seemed to play a tough guy, but he was playful enough to land Lauren Bacall when she was only 19 and he was in his 40s. I chose George Clooney. Wait, I know... Clooney is super handsome and fun-loving, but I think these past few years he's really established himself as a serious part of Hollywood. And he does love those younger ladies...

5. Audrey Hepburn
I'm torn here. Audrey wasn't all that talented, but she was captivating. And in her personal life, she was very flawed. She had an ethereal quality, but could pull of a serious role every once in a while. The first two women who came to mind were Gwyneth Paltrow and Winona Ryder. (Winona probably because of the pixie hair.) They're both versatile but neither has ever really blown me away in a performance. And they both seem super weird in real life.

6. Fred Astaire
Bear with me here. Fred was a revolutionary, right? As far as dance goes, he was IT. And he always seemed to be pushing the envelope. The dance with the firecrackers in "Holiday Inn"... nobody had ever done that before! So, in terms of reinvention, diversity, forward-thinking, visionary type performances, I'm going with Johnny Depp. The man disappears into his roles and is constantly crossing lines. Plus, he has an on-screen partner in Helena Bonham Carter the way Astaire had with Ginger Rogers.

7. Marilyn Monroe
There are a lot of young, damaged starlets that could easily go the way of Marilyn. That's the problem -- there are too many. Lindsay Lohan's behavior comes to mind, but she's nowhere near Monroe's bombshell status. Scarlett Johansson has the look, but not the personality flaws. I'm leaving this one up in the air.

8. Jimmy Stewart
You all can hate me for this one. I kind of hate myself for it, to be honest. I'm not making my choice based on talent or prestige or even worth. It's all based on one look. That pained, tortured, heartbreaking, Jimmy Stewart look that makes you really believe the hardship his character is suffering. There are moments -- just moments -- where Nicholas Cage gives that look. And that's the only reason he gets mentioned.

9. Judy Garland
Child actress, troubled youth, failed marriages, mental breakdown, death in middle age. I hope the last part doesn't prove true for Britney Spears, but she's definitely following near the same track. Britney can't sing, though. That's the main difference.

10. Katharine Hepburn
This woman was a bit of a revolutionary herself. Beyond being a phenomenal talent, she was also a huge feminist, not afraid to express her political opinions and beliefs, and, frankly, considered a bit odd and dangerous. As far as the work, I choose Meryl Streep, who is the most celebrated actress of modern times. As far as the rest, I choose Angelina Jolie (who almost landed the Crawford role) because of her outspokenness and fearlessness regarding the things she believes in.

That was harder than I thought, but a fun challenge. I'm going to come up with another one soon. But, I warn you, I want to be finished with the first draft of my book by Thanksgiving, so if I don't post as often as usual, that's why. I won't forget completely, but I'll be sporadic at best. :)

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