A few days ago I had my first ever Tarot reading done by a woman in my book club who learned how to do it while she was living in Saudi Arabia. I've never done anything like this before. Never been to a psychic or a palm reader (although this same woman dabbled in palm reading and told me, based on some line in my hand, that I am very passionate and will have at least one child. Ok.)
We went with a six-question circle, which looked like this:
[5T] [1R]
[4H] [2F]
Card 1 is about relationships
2 is finances
3 is career
4 is health
5 is travel
6 is querant, the card that sort of wraps the others up into an all-encompassing idea
More lingo
Dignified means the card was facing me when flipped over. Ill-dignified means it was facing away from me (this can sometimes -- but not necessarily always -- mean something negative.)
A lot of the reading was based on what I saw when I looked at the card, so it was art-specific. I couldn't find images of the cards my friend used, and I didn't take pictures, so I'll describe the best I can.
1. Relationships
I got the Ten of Cups, ill-dignified. The cups were spread across the card and filled with water, and there were streams of water and bridges that connected them. The water and connectivity were the first things I noticed.
Meaning: It could mean that I have a lot of relationships in my life that are fulfilling and important to me. I feel the connection to each, and the connections between them. It being ill-dignified could suggest that it's something I worry about losing, or the exact opposite -- that I'm not worried about it at all, therefore it's not high on my radar. (I do worry that I don't have more strong friendships than I do, but I'm confident in the ones that are strong. Also strong are my family connections. No romantic relationship at the moment, but I'm not worried about that.)
2. Finances
I got the Page of Cups, ill-dignified. The page was standing in a field, holding a goblet with his eyes closed and a little smile on his face. He seemed to listening and/or waiting for something or someone.
Meaning: Perhaps he's waiting for the start of something new. Ill-dignified could mean that it's something I've already done, or something I'm about to do, or that I'm not worried about it. (This one was significant. For the past month I've put myself on a fairly strict budget to pay off my credit card. I've already started, and hopefully in the end I'll be fulfilled by not having debt.)
3. Career
I got the Five of Wands, ill-dignified. Five men seem to be fighting each other or competing somehow using big clubs that look like tree branches. A smaller man is standing in the middle of all this with his hands on his hips, smiling like he's enjoying the spectacle. I figure they're doing it for his benefit.
Meaning: Career-wise, this could mean that I feel like I'm in the middle of work competition and vying to impress the folks in charge. Ill-dignified, it could mean that I don't care about all that. (At my current job, I certainly don't care about all that. But in my career as a writer, I know it's going to feel very competitive when it comes time to shop my book to agents and publishers. Multiple meanings!)
4. Health
I got the Four of Swords, dignified. A man is sitting in a tee-pee made out of the four swords and a cloth. He looks desperate and in pain, on his knees and reaching up toward the sky, like he's begging a higher power for help. He's isolated from the village that's in the distance behind him.
Meaning: It could mean that I'm struggling with something and struggling on my own, and that I need help. Dignified, it could mean that I've accepted this and have taken matters into my own hands to solve the problem. (This was HUGE for me. I've made no secret with my weight struggle, which I do feel isolated in handling. This card was the only one that faced me when I flipped it over. The Universe was telling me to pay attention and do something about it already. Also, the day after this reading, my sister called me with some worrying health news of her own. Was the card an omen? I think her call was another moment where they Universe smacked me on the back of the head and said, "See?")
5. Travel
I got the Three of Coins, ill-dignified. The card had three gold coins on the left side and what looked like a marble or stone statue of an artist standing on a pedestal on the right.
Meaning: It could be that it takes an investment, monetary or creative, to get to the point of reverence, like the artist. Someone thought enough of him to make a statue of him. Ill-dignified, it could mean that this level of fulfillment is not within my reach yet, or that I've rejected it. (This card confused me. I didn't really feel anything from it, which I take to mean that I'm not too worried about whether I'm ever revered or not. I think the journey will be the exciting part, whether or not I'm revered at the end is insignificant to me.)
6. Querant
I got the Queen of Coins, ill-dignified. She's sitting on her throne with her head tossed back in a laugh and one arm tossing a coin into the air. She has different objects at her feet and is wearing an expensive-looking gown. She looks comfortable and relaxed. It could be interpreted that she's flaunting her wealth and position, but I don't think she can be bothered to care about the impression she gives. She's too happy.
Meaning: This being the Querant card was almost like seeing what I have to look forward to. It being ill-dignified could mean that I don't have the confidence of the Queen's security yet, or that I don't think I'll get it. (Can I just say how satisfying it was that my overall Querant card was a Queen? AWESOME. I definitely don't have the confidence of her security or prosperity yet, so ill-dignified makes total sense.)
It means something if you get more of one suit (coins, cups, swords, wands) than others, but since mine was fairly even it suggests that I have balance in my life. I guess that's true. All but one of the cards being ill-dignified could mean that I'm not sweating any of those things at the moment, which is also true. I let most stuff roll right off my back. The Health card being the only dignified, like I said, was a big deal for me. I think that's what I need to pay attention to, and the rest will work itself out.
I had the BEST time with this. I want to learn how to do it. Maybe my friend will take me under her wing and teach me. I'll be interested to see how the cards fall next time.