Friday, October 1, 2010

It gets better!

The big thing on the Internet right now is the It Gets Better campaign, aimed at gay youth who are the subjects of bullying and harassment. There is an alarming increase in the number of these kids who are taking their own lives, and celebrities and average citizens alike are taking to the web to post videos of support.

I am not web-savvy enough to post a video, but if I was, this is what I would say:

Hi. I'm Stefanie. I was never really bullied in school. I've never been made to feel like something was wrong with me on a regular basis. But, at the same time, I never really felt like I fit in. I think that's something that all teenagers go through, because all teenagers are in the beginning stages of learning who they are. That's not something that can be accomplished before you're 18, or 22 or hell, even 29. That's a lifelong journey of discovery, and it's one that we all deserve the chance to take.

Right now your world is small and the things that happen in it seem big. As you get older and gain knowledge and experience, you'll find that that shifts -- your world becomes much larger and the things that happen are not so consuming. You'll graduate high school and go on to college or the military or enter the workforce or travel or become famous for something. No matter which path you take, amazing things will happen to you: You'll read books that change your life, see art that inspires you to create your own, visit places you've only ever heard of before... and your world will grow.

In that world, you'll find that there are many different types of people. Not all of them will be kind, and not all of them will agree with your lifestyle; however, you'll also find that many of them are kind, many of them do agree and, most importantly of all, the majority will see you and respect you as a human being above anything else. But the best part of all? The best part is you will find yourself changed. You will become stronger, more confident, more powerful. You may not be able to change the world, but you can change your place in it and surround yourself with the environment that will nurture you to continue to find your way.

Taking your own life is not the only option. Hang in there. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on the future you want to have, because if you can envision it, you can make it a reality. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, and patience, and strength, but IT IS POSSIBLE. Life has wonderful things in store for you, but you've got to give them the opportunity to happen. Be strong. Survive now so that you may live later. I promise you, it will be worth it. It gets better.

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