Thursday, September 23, 2010

What happens when you turn off the TV

I've implemented a new rule for myself: No TV during the week except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hey, I have to watch "Glee" and "The Vampire Diaries." This is only Week 1, but it's been going well so far. I didn't turn on the TV at all on Monday or Wednesday. (Potential amendments to the rule: A good Monday Night Football game, an awards show or some other special broadcast I want to see.)

Did you know you get a lot of things done when you're not distracted by TV? Take Wednesday, for example...

List of things I did on Wednesday:

1. All my laundry.
2. Cleaned out/reorganized my dresser and closet.
3. Put away all my laundry (including the stuff that had been piling up on the floor for the past month.)
4. A blog entry.
5. Two exercises from "The Artist's Way," a creativity course I'm embarking on with my BFF Dianna (who follows this blog. She's up there in the corner. Everyone wave... Hi, Dianna!) :)
6. Studied a couple of chapters in the screenplay book I'm using to teach myself how to write screenplays.
7. The dishes.
8. Started gathering things together for a garage sale that's coming up.
9. Packed my lunch for today.
10. Cleaned out/organized the linen closet and drawers in my bathroom.

HELLO! That's a damn lot of stuff! And all because I didn't sit on the couch and channel surf until ultimately deciding on Nick at Nite or reruns of "The Office." I'm inspired by my own productivity. I plan to keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everybody--

    Stefanie is being way more productive than me. I've been sitting up in my corner, hooked on catch-up episodes of "The Gates" on ABC...

    But I'm at work today and am going to use that time wisely and not actually work. Yay!

    Nice meeting you all,
