Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Yes, it's the 4th of July. Our nation's birthday. But, more significantly to me, the anniversary of my grandparents' first date. (This year marks the 67th anniversary.)

Want to hear the story?

Warning: You will melt, be incredibly happy and then want to blow your brains out, all at the same time. (Actually, that could just be me. Hmmm.)

My grandparents grew up in a little town called Bartlett, TX that sits northeast of Austin. When they were kids, the place was hopping. Because of WWII, a lot of people left and never came back. Now it's basically a ghost town. Very very sad.

Anyway, they grew up together and it was one of those everybody knows everybody situations. My grandpa asked my grandma out many times, but she always told him no. He was a "bad boy," see. Always making trouble. And, frankly, she was a bit afraid of him.

Well one day a big group of friends all went out together, including my grandparents. My grandma decided that my grandpa wasn't so bad after all, and that if he asked her out again, she would say yes.

He did, and she did.

He borrowed his sister's car and drove my grandma to a neighboring town to see some 4th of July fireworks. Alas, the weather didn't realize this was a first date night, so it rained. As they were driving back to Bartlett, my grandparents decided they weren't quite ready for the evening to be over.

So what did they do?

They pulled over to the side of the road, turned up the car radio as loud as it would go and danced in the street in the rain.

*pause for reaction*

I know.

They got married a few months later. And the rest, as they say, is history. Roll credits.

Can you believe it? The romance! Where is that romance nowadays? Where, I say??? At least there's comfort in knowing that even if it might not exist anymore, somewhere, sometime, somebody got a movie-worthy love story. And I am so happy I know those somebodys.

Happy first date anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. I have faith that romantic love is alive and well and that marriages can still last 67 years.

    Even so, I feel the absence of it in my life very sharply today. I'm not sure why.

    Oh well... Luckily, my faith can withstand even my epic funks.
