Sunday, September 27, 2009

New business for the record book

Answer: I don't know.

Question(s): What's this blog about? Why should I read it? Is it any good?

There are a lot of things I do know -- I like books, movies, music, football, cooking, shopping, dancing, traveling and the great outdoors. I also like giving my opinions about all of these things (and more). That in and of itself could be the answer to the question above. Those who know me personally know the ins and outs of who I am, but for those who have traveled through the blogosphere and stumbled across my little self-indulgent attempt at creative writing, use the following as a guide:

1. My name is Stefanie.
1a. Please note the spelling.
2. I am 28...
2a. ... and a half.
3. I want to be a writer.
3a. Technically, I am already. And not just on this blog, which likely only my family and friends will read. I write for a major publication and get paid to do it. It might go without saying that I'm not fully satisfied in my professional situation. And yet, I just said it.
4. I am from Texas.
4a. I have what is commonly known as Texas Pride.
4b. I am aware most non-Texans don't appreciate this.
4c. Deal with it.

Perhaps more personal information will be revealed in the course of my writing; perhaps not. For the sake of my job (which, despite its shortcomings, does manage to pay the bills) I think the more anonymous I can be, the better.

So, welcome. I hope you enjoy whatever future rambling appears here. I hope you enjoy it enough to tell your friends. I hope they enjoy it enough to tell theirs. If not, well... thank you for allowing me this indulgence all the same.

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